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RS Focus Consulting helps you bring maximum clarity to your purpose, passion and strategy; empowering you to live and lead to the fullest.

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The world we live in can be a crazy, busy, chaotic place. The pace at which we live is getting faster and faster. Our to-do lists get longer. Our days seemingly get shorter. Our bandwidth to get stuff done has got up and left. There are so many inputs coming at us from so many sources; media tells us what is or is not happening around the world, social media tells us what we should think, friends tell us what they think, self-help books tell us what others think, online ads tell us what we need to buy, it never ends! Noise. External and internal. It can be paralyzing and cause us to feel very stuck.  The noise can stop us from seeing who we are and where we are going. This happens to us as individuals and it happens to us as a team.


RSFC helps you bring clarity to the confusion and enables you to focus on your purpose, passion, and strategy for your path. RSFC empowers you to get unstuck and move forward by sharpening your discernment for what is best for you!

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- God’s way is the right way. Always.


- As we talk less and listen more, the client’s voice rises to the top.


- Integrity in all things: confidentiality, excellence of work, keeping our word.


- When we speak the truth in love, we inspire, encourage, stretch, challenge, and bring clarity to our purpose and passion.


- People have potential to dream, transform, and create solutions.


- Our public speaking will be engaging, motivating, challenging, and transformative.


- Purpose and passion collide at the intersection of strategy.


- We will be tenacious, honest, inspiring, and impactful.

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Too many live in guilt, doubt, and shame because they feel they are “less than” in their workplace – not recognizing the toxicity and how to survive and change it. Having a coach can help individuals and teams in this area.

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RSFC helps you answer these important life questions:

What’s my Purpose?

YOU are special. You have unique talents/gifts that only you bring to the table. Your personality, your wiring, your perspective,  your experience sets you apart for a reason. Knowing who YOU are is important. Your voice is important.

Purpose matters.


What’s my Passion?

It's easy to get stuck because we listen to the voice inside of our head instead of the voice  inside of our heart. Knowing what YOU want to change or impact is important.

Passion matters.


What’s my Plan (Strategy) for living out my purpose?

Too many great ideas never happen because we have the great idea, we just don’t have the great plan to get there. Knowing what YOU need to do in order to pursue your passion is important.

Strategy matters.

A LOT, About Me

My favorite way to get to know someone is over a cup of coffee where we can ask each other questions.  Here’s a little bit about me.  If you want to know more, grab a cup of coffee and read the answers to the questions I am most often asked below. 


A little bit…

I’ve been married to my husband for 36 years. We have two children and four grandchildren. I live in Henderson, NV.  I am a follower of Jesus – God’s Word is the plumb line for my life – my decisions, my leadership style, my everything. I love all things western; hay, horses, bonfires, and rodeos. I am most comfortable in my jeans and wearing one of my 24 pairs of cowboy boots.  Throw in the NFL and you’ve just described my perfect day. Crazy, I know.



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A Lot...

Why are you coaching?

I have a heart for women in leadership and women in ministry.  Men too, of course, but really want to pour into women.  Sometimes in life we just get stuck;  in our thoughts, in not knowing what to do next, in figuring out how to overcome the obstacle in front of us. We begin to question ourselves and don’t know where to turn. For some, the help comes in the form of professional counseling, but for others, we need a coach. We need someone to ask us the right questions, to help us think, to help us see into our situation, to help us get unstuck. I love helping people do this.

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